Our Products
Rusks are sweet, crispy baked biscuits made of natural ingredients. By dipping them in coffee or tea, it is easier to bite. Rusks have a long shelf life if kept in a airtight container. Preferably in an original ‘beskuitblik`.
The rusks are available in packs of 24 rusks (± 700g) and the following are available:
- Buttermilk rusks (Ingredients: flour, coconut, raising agent, salt, buttermilk, vegetable fat, sugar, eggs.)
- Muesli rusks (Ingredients: flour, raising agent, salt, buttermilk, vegetable fat, sugar, eggs, currants, sunflower seed, oats, bran.)
- Bran rusks (Ingredients: Flour, all bran cereal (barley, bran) raising agent, salt, buttermilk, vegetable fat and oil, sugar, eggs.)
- Oatmeal and linseed rusks (Ingredients: Whole wheat flour, oatmeal, oatmeal bran, linseed, raising agent, salt, coconut, buttermilk, vegetable fat, sugar, eggs.)
Got your own recipe or special wishes? Contact me.

Who is the baker behind Beskuitblik?
My passion for baking rusks has always been a family affair. My grandfather, the minister of a church in Molteno in the Eastern Cape, encouraged one of his church members to enter her rusk recipe in a competition. She won this competition and to this day her famous rusks are still sold in South Africa.
I use my mother and mother-in-law’s well tried recipes. My mother-in-law also supplied rusks to shops that sell homemade goodies and thankfully she let me in on the secret of baking in bulk.
The story of the Beskuitblik (tin container for rusks)

When I was growing up, my mother kept the rusks in a Beskuitblik that was decorated with red roses. The Beskuitblik has a very special place in my heart as my Dad, who was an avid gardener, loved roses and my mom made sure that the Beskuitblik was always filled with rusks.
One of the few times we were together at Christmas I gave each of my 3 sisters an apron with a picture of the Beskuitblik printed on. This picture has given me the idea to use it as a logo and name.

Curious about the origin and history of rusks? Read the story here…