Since 2011
Best rusks north of the Limpopo
Our Rusks
100% Home Made
When you visit any South African home soon enough the Beskuitblik will make its appearance containing the most delicious rusks.
Rusks make a perfect early morning breakfast served with a hot cup of coffee or tea and are a healthy and nutritious in-between snack.
If you miss (or want to try) this truly South African delicacy – Beskuitblik specialises in homemade rusks.
The rusks are available in packs of 24 rusks (± 700g)
Since 2011
The Story behind Beskuitblik
My passion for baking rusks has always been a family affair. My grandfather, the minister of a church in Molteno in the Eastern Cape, encouraged one of his church members to enter her rusk recipe in a competition. She won this competition and to this day her famous rusks are still sold in South Africa.
I use my mother and mother-in-law’s well tried recipes. My mother-in-law also supplied rusks to shops that sell homemade goodies and thankfully she let me in on the secret of baking in bulk.